Here is the same model stacked on a dried Ambrosia trifida stalk from last year:

It is also a bit of an easier knit in that you work with 2 needles throughout rather than wrestling with a small number of stitches on 4 double pointed needles.
I will work another model to see if I have any glaring errors, get some test knitters to check my work and then add it to the One Thousand Cranes pattern currently for sale on Ravelry. If you are not a Ravelry member, it is free to join and you will become a member of the greatest online community of crafters.
Thanks to everyone who has purchased the pattern thus far.
Take care and keep your yarn dry.
03292011 update - Pattern is up for sale:
The original pattern has reached 100 sales! I am so thrilled and so happy to donate $73 (to date) to the Red Cross for Japan Relief from my 3 knitting patterns.
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